Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Characteristics of Elite Athletes A-Z

Over the next year I will be writing about what I believe are some of the outstanding characteristics of elite athletes and elite performance. This will be by no means a definitive list, just a starting point of comment and conversation. I hope to do a new topic, 26 in all, about every other week. So let's get started!
If you were to ask most coaches today what attribute they thought should top this list a fair share would undoubtedly say attitude, it seems to be almost politically correct to say that having a positive attitude is a prerequisite for elite performance. Upon further inspection I am not sure that being positive is all that important and here is why. I think that what matters the most is action. Actions taken with a positive attitude or good motive don't make any difference to the action. What matters is that you take the action. Many athletes who run around trying to be positive are really just lying to themselves about what they have actually done in practice or in game situations. Elite athletes have ambition and want to achieve and no amount of positive attitude will help you to achieve dreams and goals without action. And like the old saying goes "Goals without actions are fantasies" Please leave your comments or questions.

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