Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Best laid plans.......

I had planned on writing this post nearly three weeks ago but as the saying goes "life happens" The short version of the last few weeks is this, I signed up for the Z health r phase cert in San Diego and was pumped to get down there. My wife and kids were going to be going to Houston to visit friends and it seemed like it would all work out. On the way to LAX to bring the family to the flight and then off to the cert, we were oh so close then while sitting at a left turn light we were rear ended, the wife and kids seemed to be OK, just scared the paramedics looked them over they hopped into a cab and managed to safely make their flight. I was not quite so lucky I was looking to the left during impact and after a trip to the hospital my back and neck has been tweaked and looks like I will need some PT and chiro. In the mean time no training, practice or coaching for a while. However it will give me some time to start to write my blog posts on Characteristics of elite athletes from A-Z. Look for it in the next few days.

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