Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"D" Characteristics of Elite Athletes

In thinking about "D" words to describe elite athletes many come to mind, determined, detail oriented, diligent, decisive but three really stand out for me. Deliberate, now some might think of some athletes that seem to be the lackadaisical, free wheeler type who just seems to have natural talent and doesn't have to work for it, this is really not the case. If you look at how motor learning works, deliberate practice is one of the cornerstones of all skill acquisition. Great performers have deliberately practiced their skills. In order to be so deliberate in practice an athlete must be disciplined or each movement or skill would be different and thus no real motor pattern would develop. Having the discipline to do each movement requires the elite athlete to be exceedingly driven. There must be a hunger a burning desire in order to continue on in the face of extraordinary pain and frustration. If you really want to be an elite athlete you might want to spend some time with the characteristics that start with the letter "D".

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