Saturday, May 23, 2009


Just returned from texas and the national open 14s in frisco. My student had a pretty good tournament losing to the 5 seed in the main draw 2nd round and then went on to win 4 matches in the back. Didnt get any training done just spent hour after hour watching matches. Got back to training last night did a full med day of ETK with pullups and getups didnt feel to well but got it done back to a heavy day tomorrow.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rolling Along

Things have been pretty smooth as of late,training going well doing my ETK routine and have been on Mondays doing snatches. Did 100 with a 30lb bell in a about 4 and half minutes, trying to work up weight wise to see if i can do the RKC probably in'10 unless the lottery comes through for me. I am going to do the Z cert in San Diego in June depending on housing so doesn't leave much cash for RKC. Practicing a little more going to play Nat 45s in doubles in June and maybe Nat 50s in a year we will see so far thank god for ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Z Health Workshop

Many many thanks to level IV Z health practitioner Leslie Cordova of for the great Z workshop she put on at Sunset Hills Country Club. We had a mix of athletes from world class triathletes to out of shape business men and she did a wonderful job assessing everyone and giving them their own drills to do to help them to move better and feel better. If you haven't tried Z health you owe it to yourself to check it out you can contact me or contact Leslie through her website directly. Training has been plodding along about the same, and starting to train for tennis a bit more, going to play national 45s this year and then train for a year for the national 50s if I can keep my body holding up. Keep checking back new project coming June 1st.