Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Motivation Gone!

Since my injury my motivation has slowly been sliding away. I have been able to up to this point to get workouts in at least three days a week but find it harder and harder, with being so limited as what i can and cannot do. I have started do some ladders of pistols along with my etk rop but find them difficult, thus not very easy to get excited about, but shall persevere as best as possible. On a good note one of my best friends and former tennis pro Jay Havelka is graduating from the Ventura County Sheriffs Academy on Friday i am really happy for him and his wife Gina. He is one of the best!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Slow week

Had a slow week after surgery worked out on Monday doing a modified light day etk. Not really to into it arm hurts and i don't want to go to hard to get to one sided, but want to have some strength left. I have post op appt tomorrow to get stitches out and see how things are healing. I will give an update tomorrow.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Surgery kicks my butt!!

Wrist surgery on Tuesday brought me to my knees. I had shoulder arthroscopy 20 years ago and the anesthesia made me really sick, I told the doctors this time and they said things are much better now I shouldn't feel it to much. Ha Ha I spent the last two days curled up on my couch trying not to puke. The surgery didn't go quite as expected, a little more damage than anticipated. Lots of screws and pins. I feel much better today, though now my hand is starting to hurt a whole lot more. Looking forward to getting back to normal, its amazing what you take for granted, like being able to type with two hands!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Last two workouts

Finished the last two workouts before wrist surgery tomorrow. Did 5 sets of 5 clean and presses, assisted pullups, one arm push ups, 95lb deadlift(all the weight my wrist can handle) bridges and planks finish it off, after 4 sets of 30 second 35lb swings, my last set of push ups I managed to do 5 reps of the one arm one legged variety. Pretty good for me. Today just a lighter version of yesterdays workout just 3 reps of the same things and 4 30 sec intervals of right arm snatches. Surgery has me a bit nervous but im anxious to get back on the road to healing.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Busy Week

Whew! What a busy week. All the preop appointments had me running around all week and work was busy with a big ITF tournament in Tulsa coming up, the kids needed to get some good work in before leaving. Started working with Dennis Lin these last couple of weeks, very good player, top 5 last year in the 16s. Kyle McMorrow top 5 last year in the 16s as well has committed to University of Washington, JT Sundling another one of our players also in the top 5 in the 16s just committed to USC and Dennis Lin is going on his recruiting trip to Stanford this month. Great group of kids, lucky to have them all in our stable. Training this week has been pretty good I have gone back to a modified version of my ETK program, with clean and presses, one arm push ups, one arm assisted pull ups, and some deadlifts, along with the usual planks and bridges. Looking forward to spending a nice weekend with my wife and kids.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I knew it was coming but it seemed pretty final when the surgeon explained the procedure for my wrist. Three screws, artificial ligaments, 6 weeks in a halo cast then 6-8 weeks of rehab man I am bummed. The good news is I can do 3 one arm and one leg push ups with my right arm, still doing some c&p with the kettlebells need to go on dd forum get some advice on creating an imbalance only doing one side of the upper body.