Sunday, September 27, 2009

"G" Characteristics of Elite Athletes

Goal driven... that's it that is possibly the most defining characteristic of the elite. They take on many different forms and types. Some write them down, some just in their head. Some long term, some just short. Some very detailed, some very simple. Some put them where they can see them all the time, some in a place that is seldom looked at. Some make them public for all to see, some keep them to themselves. Some have help doing them, some do them alone. Some don't even know that they are doing them, but all elite level athletes are driven to succeed by their goals!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"F" Characteristics of Elite Athletes

One great characteristic of the best, is their ability to finish. Not only do they finish in games and matches, they finish when no one else is around, whether it is in the gym or on the practice field. Which I believe comes from their ability to be farsighted, to know that they are working for something in the future, while also being able to focus on the present and finish the job right now. Because the elite have a great perspective on things they are very factual about what the state of their performance is or what their place in the game may be they don't fool themselves. Possibly the most obvious trait of the elite is that they are fighters, they have the uncanny ability to work through situations that lesser competitors simply cant handle, the ability to push through pain and continue to fight 'till the end.