Monday, April 27, 2009

Another month gone by!

It has been a whole month since my last post and things have been busier than ever. The Family returned from grandma's and all the free time I had to do extra training and writing went right out the window. My training has slowed to usually 3 days a week and if I get a fourth day in I usually do deadlifts and some interval work, the rest of the days look like this, light day- 5 ladders of 3 rungs bottoms up kb clean and press 15 kb snatches turkish get up and pullups.
medium day- 5 ladders 4 rungs kb clean and press 20 swings turkish getup and pullups. heavy day-5 ladders of 5 rungs manmakers turkish getups and pullups. Seems to be working well right now, diet has been off the chart poor, way to much sugar but somehow body comp hasn't gone completely haywire though it has made workout days feel more difficult. Have a few new projects in the works my posts will be much more regular so stay tuned in.